Satellite Technology Transmission Equipment Provider


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美国 iDirect Evolution 卫星通信系统

美国 iDirect Evolution 卫星通信系统

美国 iDirect Evolution®是一种基于IP的卫星通信系统,旨在随时随地提供最高质量的宽带连接。


美国 iDirect Evolution®是一种基于IP的卫星通信系统,旨在随时随地提供最高质量的宽带连接。

美国 iDirect Evolution 卫星通信系统

美国 iDirect Evolution®是一种基于IP的卫星通信系统,旨在随时随地提供最高质量的宽带连接。这是一个开放、高效、易于扩展的平台,降低了总体拥有成本。这使服务提供商能够进入广泛的市场,有效管理运营和资本成本,为客户创造独特的价值,从而实现长期增长和成功。

美国 iDirect Evolution的基本价值在于将硬件和软件架构与动态功能集紧密结合,使其能够灵活应对各种市场需求。这使得在固定和移动环境中实现了从基本的互联网、语音到视频和数据广播应用程序的所有功能。




美国 iIDIRECT Evolution软件–该操作软件提供最新功能,提供最先进的IP路由功能、安全性和QoS优先级,具有无与伦比的灵活性

调制解调器组合–有助于满足不同的最终用户需求,并支持从窄带到高吞吐量的各种数据速度。我们的DVB-S2/DVB-S2X iQ调制解调器系列具有多种外形,包括台式机、机架式和调制解调器板


美国 iDirect Evolution®4.1.6引入了新功能,包括iQ Desktop+调制解调器上的移动性以及所有iQ系列调制解调器的BGP路由和扩频。这一最新的软件版本还将自适应TDMA的滚降系数从20%降低到5%,从而实现更高的效率。后续软件版本将很快实现全面生产。


  • 灵活、高效的核心架构

    集线器系统可以连接到所有卫星架构上的任何频带。iDirect Evolution基于DVB-S2/S2X和ACM,采用自适应TDMA和多种高效技术(如减少衰减因子和增强波形),在分布式网络上高效分配带宽,同时自动调整以适应动态流量需求和不断变化的网络条件。

  • 可扩展性的模块化设计


  • 与地面网络集成


  • 先进的服务质量和可靠性


  • 数据安全

    IDIRECT Evolution支持用于商业应用的高级加密标准(AES),以及高级军事安全标准,如TRANSEC和FIPS 140-2合规性。

更多配置信息,请联系我司相关技术人员  联系方式 13488853069 (微信同号)

美国 iDirect Evolution 卫星通信系统

iDirect Evolution® is an IP-based satellite communications system engineered to deliver the highest quality broadband connectivity wherever and whenever it’s needed. It’s a platform that is open, efficient and easily scalable, lowering the total cost of ownership. This positions service providers for long-term growth and success with the ability to access a wide range of markets, manage operational and capital costs effectively and create unique value for customers.

The fundamental value of iDirect Evolution lies in the extremely tight integration of the hardware and software architecture with a dynamic feature set that makes it highly flexible in its ability to handle diverse market needs. This enables everything from basic Internet, voice to video and datacasting applications in fixed and mobile environments.

The product line consists of a universal hub system, a network management system, operating software and a DVB-S2/DVB-S2X modem portfolio for unprecedented levels of performance and efficiency as well as investment protection.

Universal Hub System – Modular, very flexible baseband and core hub system that allows customers to operate a shared bandwidth platform spanning multiple satellites, bands, transponders and topologies and grow networks one at a time as their business expands

iVantage Network Management System – Manage complex, large-scale networks; run an efficient, reliable and high-quality operation; and continually improve customer satisfaction

Evolution Software – This operating software delivers the latest features and provides the most advanced IP routing capabilities, security and QoS prioritization with unmatched flexibility

Modem Portfolio – Helps meet distinct end-user requirements and support a wide range of data speeds – from narrowband to high throughput rates. Our line of DVB-S2/DVB-S2X iQ modems feature multiple form factors, including desktops, rackmounts and modem boards

Evolution Release Details

iDirect Evolution® 4.1.6 introduces new capabilities including mobility on the iQ Desktop+ modem as well as BGP routing and spread spectrum for all iQ Series modems. This latest software release also provides a demonstration stage reduction of the roll-off factor for Adaptive TDMA from 20% to 5% for even greater efficiency. Full production will be coming soon in a subsequent software release.


  • Flexible, Efficient Core Architecture

    The hub system can connect to any frequency band on all satellite architectures. iDirect Evolution is built on DVB-S2/S2X with ACM with Adaptive TDMA and multiple efficiency technologies such as reduced Roll-off-Factors and enhanced waveforms, to allocate bandwidth efficiently over distributed networks, while automatically adjusting to dynamic traffic demands and changing network conditions.

  • Modular Design for Scalability

    The modular hub system enables operators and service providers to minimize initial capital costs, offer multiple service types from a central hub, and scale business one network at a time in a “pay as you grow” manner. It also allows Service Providers to operate across all business models, including VNO and managed service models and easily add new capabilities with over-the-air software upgrades.

  • Integration with Terrestrial Networks

    Evolution mirrors the quality and reliability of terrestrial services, ensuring an enterprise-class user experience, and can operate seamlessly as part of an integrated global IP network. Our VLAN and Layer 2 over Satellite (L2oS) features enable a satellite network to behave like a mainstream access network.

  • Advanced Quality of Service and Reliability

    Our QoS technology allows for countless possibilities of quality of service levels, bandwidth management and traffic prioritization. GQoS provides network operators a significant increase in bandwidth management capabilities when prioritizing traffic for customers in a shared network environment. This results in more flexibility with traffic configuration and prioritization, more savings over conventional QoS, and improved customer service quality. Evolution’s hub diversity and redundancy and seamless network failover protects overall network integrity and delivers carrier class reliability.

  • Data Security

    IDIRECT Evolution supports Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for commercial applications, as well as advanced military security standards, such as TRANSEC and FIPS 140-2 compliance.

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