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美国 iDirect iNFINITI 12000 卫星通信系统

美国 iDirect iNFINITI 12000 卫星通信系统

美国 Direct iNFINITI 12000系列™ 平台构建的集线器解决方案将允许扩展到数千个远程站点。


美国 Direct iNFINITI 12000系列™ 平台构建的集线器解决方案将允许扩展到数千个远程站点。

美国 IDIRECT iNFINITI  12000卫星通信系统

美国iDirect Technologies 开发并销售最快、最可靠的基于卫星的双向宽带接入解决方案,扩大了其产品范围,以更好地支持其客户和行业。iDirect iNFINITI  12000系列™ 产品线 包括 3000、5000和7000系列远程 VSAT 路由器支持不同级别的用户需求,以及一系列线卡,使网络运营商能够从单个集线器机箱支持到多个卫星的 SCPC、网状和星形网络。基于 iDirect iNFINITI 12000 系列™ 平台构建的集线器解决方案将允许扩展到数千个远程站点。为了管理整个网络,运营商将能够使用 iDirect 可扩展网络管理系统 (NMS) 架构,通过单个 NMS 在全球范围内实施来支持全球网络客户。

凭借基于 iDirect iNFINITI  12000系列™ 平台的新型 3000、5000 和 7000 线远程 VSAT 路由器,我们将能够向更广泛的客户群提供我们所熟知的灵活高效的卫星网络功能。

新的远程路由器系列以不同的价位提供不同级别的功能和安全性。客户将能够获得满足其特定要求的准确网络解决方案。在卫星的另一侧,iDirect iNFINITI  12000系列™ 集线器路由器允许运营商创建可扩展到数千个站点、支持多种拓扑、从单个机箱与多个卫星通信的网络,同时在单个 iDirect 下进行管理网络管理系统。这种在单一平台上进行标准化以支持所有卫星网络需求的能力将降低资本和运营支出,并提高带宽效率,同时提供更多的功能。

美国iDirect iNFINITI  12000系列™ 远程路由器系列包括专为互联网协议 (IP) 传输而优化的低成本型号(iDirect 3000 系列)、旨在支持 VoIP 和视频等关键业务应用程序的企业级路由器(iDirect 5000 系列)以及高端解决方案提供完全加密和 PCI 扩展插槽,提供更大的灵活性(iDirect 7000 系列)。在集线器路由器方面,iDirect 推出了一系列可互操作的线卡,旨在支持单个集线器机箱中的更多网络功能,并在多个机箱联网时支持几乎无限的带宽。


为您的所有设施提供宽带访问的能力是您组织生产力和效率的关键组成部分。然而,在 iDirect Technologies,我们知道,除非您的远程访问也可以支持组织的所有关键业务应用程序,否则它只完成了一半的工作。这就是为什么 iDirect 的远程技术提供了您所需的网络功能来支持您的所有用户应用程序,并通过卫星应对任何通信挑战。NetModem 的开发包括客户所需的所有功能:

宽带接入– iDirect Technologies 支持业界最高的 TCP/IP 吞吐量,下行速度高达 18 Mbps,上行速度高达 4.2 Mbps。而且,由于 iDirect 支持的网络可以 1Kbps 增量进行配置,因此用户可以以最具成本效益的方式准确获得所需的带宽。


集中式 NMS 系统- 从中央位置管理所有远程设备。iDirect 网络管理系统 (NMS) 通过位于中央的网络运营中心 (NOC) 提供所有必要的监视和控制操作。

提高带宽效率- 支持更多应用程序并在可用带宽上承载更多流量。我们的确定性 TDMA 网络架构 (D-TDMA) 算法根据每个远程站点的排队深度、CIR(承诺信息速率)配置、服务质量 (QOS) 和优先级要求等标准,在多个远程站点之间分配带宽。

支持实时应用程序– 使用业界最灵活、最精细的服务质量 (QoS) 功能来部署语音和视频等应用程序。您可以自动识别、分类和优先处理网络中的数据流量,从而为客户提供灵活的服务和应用选项。

容量优化- 通过 1.2 载波间距,我们可以更有效地利用您的转发器容量,从而节省 14% 的带宽。此外,与低效的 MPEG 封装相比,通过使用本机 IP 解决方案,您可以节省 10-50% 的容量。

安全性 - 远程位置不再需要为了安全性而牺牲功能。iDirect 解决方案支持通过卫星网络部署政府或企业认可的 VPN 解决方案,而不会损失 TCP 性能或对 VoIP 和流视频等实时应用程序的支持。

目前该系统已经停产,如需二手iDirect infiniti 12000系统,可联系我司相关技术人员


iDirect Technologies develops, and markets the fastest, most reliable bi-directional satellite-based broadband access solutions has broadened their product offering to better support their customers and the industry. The iDirect iNFINITI series™ product line includes the 3000, 5000 and 7000 series of remote VSAT routers supporting different levels of user requirements as well as a family of line cards enabling network operators to support SCPC, Mesh and Star networks to multiple satellites all from a single hub chassis. The hub solutions built from the iDirect iNFINITI series™ platform will allow for scalability to multiple thousands of remote sites. To manage the entire network, operators will be able to use the iDirect scalable Network Management System (NMS) architecture to support global network customers with a single NMS for worldwide implementation.

With the new 3000, 5000 and 7000 lines of remote VSAT routers based on the iDirect iNFINITI series™ platform, we will be able to offer the flexible and efficient networking over satellite functionality we are known for, to a much wider base of customers.

The new lines of remote routers offer different levels of functionality and security at varying price points. Customers will be able to get the exact networking solution they need for their specific requirements. On the other side of the satellite, the iDirect iNFINITI series™ of hub routers allows operators to create networks that can scale to thousands of sites, support multiple topologies, communicate with multiple satellites from a single chassis, all while being managed under a single iDirect network management system. This ability to standardize on a single platform to support all your satellite networking needs will result in lower capital and operating expenditures, and greater bandwidth efficiency all while offering increased functionality.

The iDirect iNFINITI series™ line of remote routers includes a low cost model optimized for Internet protocol (IP) transfer (iDirect 3000 series), an enterprise class router designed to support business critical applications including VoIP and Video (iDirect 5000 series), and a high end solution offering full encryption and a PCI expansion slot for even greater flexibility (iDirect 7000 series). On the hub router side, iDirect is rolling out a series of interoperable line cards designed to support greater network functionality in a single hub chassis, and virtually unlimited bandwidth when multiple chassis are networked together.

For Enterprise Customers

The ability to deliver broadband access to all your facilities is a critical component in your organization's productivity and efficiency. At iDirect Technologies, however, we understand that unless your remote access can also support all of your organizations business critical applications, it’s only doing half the job. That’s why iDirect’s remote technology provides the networking power you need to support all your user applications, and meet any communications challenge via satellite. The NetModem was developed to include all the functionality customers need:

Broadband Access – iDirect Technologies supports the highest TCP/IP throughputs in the industry, with speeds up to 18 Mbps downstream and 4.2 Mbps upstream. And, since iDirect supported networks can be configured in 1Kbps increments, users can get exactly the bandwidth they need in the most cost effective manner.

Application Support - Deploy any HTTP application, and simultaneously support data, voice and video to multiple locations while guaranteeing the delivery quality. Remote locations will have the same capabilities as offices on landline broadband networks.

Centralized NMS System - Manage all your remote units from a central location. The iDirect Network Management System (NMS) provides all essential monitor and control operations from a centrally located Network Operations Center (NOC).

Increased Bandwidth Efficiency - Support more applications and carry more traffic over your available bandwidth. Our Deterministic TDMA network architecture (D-TDMA) algorithm allocates bandwidth among multiple remote sites, based on criteria such as the queued depth at each remote site, the CIR (Committed Information Rate) configuration, Quality of Service (QOS) and prioritization requirements.

Support Real Time Applications – Deploy applications like voice and video with the most flexible and granular Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities in the industry. You can automatically identify, classify and prioritize data traffic across the network to provide flexible service and application options to customers.

Capacity Optimization - With 1.2 Carrier Spacing we deliver 14% savings in bandwidth, through more efficient use of your transponder capacity. In addition, by using a native IP solution you save 10-50% capacity compared with inefficient MPEG Encapsulation.

Security - Remote locations no longer need to sacrifice functionality for security. The iDirect solution enables the deployment of government or corporate approved VPN solutions over satellite networks without loss of either TCP performance or support for real-time applications such as VoIP and streaming video.